Not Even Ash Can Name All Of These Pokemon In Under 2 Minutes. Can You?

Is anyone here excited about the upcoming live-action Pokemon movie? For years now, we have been obsessed with these magical creatures. We have watched them on television and in movies. We have captured them and snapped pictures of them in video games, and now it is finally time to see them come to life! While this franchise has remained popular since the anime first debuted, there is no denying that the launch of Pokemon Go has reinvigorated the general interest around it. Today we will see who has been keeping up with all of their Pokemon knowledge!

In this quiz, everyone will be asked to name as many original Pokemon as possible. There will be 50 different Pokemon listed, so that means there will be 50 chances for everyone to prove themselves as a true trainer. We will warn everyone that this will not be an easy quiz to pass. Some of these Pokemon were only ever seen once or twice in the original anime series. Listening to the famous PokeRap may be a good idea before even starting this one. Who is ready to show the world they are as good a trainer as the famous Ash? It is time to catch 'em all!

Question 1

Name this Pokemon

Even from the photo we can tell that this Pokemon is all about the punches. It is said that this Pokemon can actually learn to punch fast enough, that the motions become invisible to the human eye. If that was not already impressive, if this Pokemon decides to add a spinning motion to its punches, it will be able to break through materials as strong as concrete walls. All of that being said, this Pokemon is not one of stamina. It requires frequent breaks during a battle. To be fair, who wouldn't need a break after a few of those punches? (Bulbapedia)

Question 2

What is the name of this Pokemon?

Here we have one of the rarer Pokemon on our list. This Pokemon is believed to live far up in the sky, only flying low enough to be seen when a massive thunderstorm in underway. Though scientists have never been able to study them too closely due to their elusive ways, they do believe that the electricity it generates while flapping its wings, can actually cause thunderstorms. This would explain their rainy day appearances. If anyone thinks it could potentially be dangerous for this Pokemon to be flying up in the storm clouds, not to worry! This Pokemon gains power when struck by lightning! (Bulbapedia)

Question 3

Pick out the right name

This Pokemon is known around the world for its extreme beauty. While it does hold a fair bit of power, this Pokemon's ultimate goal is to race. When roaming free in the wild, this Pokemon will chase any nearby creatures, in hopes of starting a race with it. This Pokemon is no doubt one of the fastest in existence. It can reach speeds of 150 mph, and it can reach its maximum speed in just ten steps. The faster this Pokemon runs, the longer and more beautiful its mane will get, plus it can gain power from its very own speed! (Bulbapedia)

Question 4

Match this Pokemon to its name

This tiny guy can most often be found in caves, or in damp forests. It must remain close to trees, as it needs to drain nutrients from them for both itself and the mushrooms growing out of its back. These mushrooms can be removed at any time from the Pokemon, though they are a big part of their survival. Once they have grown large enough, these mushrooms can start having minor control over their Pokemon host. These mushrooms are also said to be quite valuable in the human world, as they can be used to make things like medicines. (Bulbapedia)

Question 5

Which name is correct?

Not only is this Pokemon quite dangerous, but it is also quite spooky as well. While it is not large in size, nor does it have much in the way of muscles, this Pokemon can put any fellow Pokemon or human to sleep within seconds. It is never seen without its swinging pendulum, which it uses in its hypnosis attacks. Once the victim has fallen asleep, it will be able to sense their dreams and then decide whether or not it wants to eat the dreams. It has a preference for the dreams of children. (Bulbapedia). What is its name?

Question 6

Who knows which Pokemon this is?

Now here we have a Pokemon that is all about the muscles. This Pokemon has four very powerful arms on its body. Since most of its power comes from its arms, this Pokemon is very reliant and skilled at punching moves. When in a battle, this Pokemon can throw up to 500 punches in just a single second. Because of its multiple arms, it can also hit its opponent from multiple angles at one time. All of that being said, this Pokemon is not great at thinking things through. It will often pounce without thinking, getting its arms tangled in the process. (Bulbapedia)

Question 7

Can anyone name this Pokemon?

Even though this Pokemon is one of the largest in existence, it isn't exactly the fiercest fighter of the bunch. This Pokemon will only wake up when it is time to eat. It needs 800-900 pounds of food every single day, and once it has fed, it will go right back to sleep. This Pokemon's stomach is so strong, that it can eat just about anything without ever falling ill. When this Pokemon has been properly fed and rested, it is peaceful enough to let humans bounce on its belly while it naps. Maybe not the best fighter, but a great companion for sure! (Bulbapedia)

Question 8

Name this Pokemon

While this Pokemon may be extremely beautiful, it is not one we would want to capture unless we are sure we are up to the task of training it. This Pokemon has a very fickle personality. Even the best-trained ones will often pounce at their trainers for no reason at all. While this Pokemon does often choose to live in populated cities, it doesn't enjoy humans all that much. This could be due to the fact that they are often hunted for the valuable jewel that sits inside of their forehead. Can anyone here guess the name of this Pokemon? (Bulbapedia)

Question 9

Select the correct name

This Pokemon is one that we would be able to find in both forests and jungles. It has a body which resembles a tree, except with two trunks acting as its legs. This Pokemon can grow anywhere between 3-6 heads, which all look like coconuts. These heads are always each wearing a different expression, as they each have their own brain and can think for themselves. This Pokemon is known for being loud, as many times its multiple heads are forced to talk over each other to be heard. Should one of its heads grow too large, it will fall off. (Bulbapedia)

Question 10

Pick the right answer

This Pokemon is an interesting one. No human has ever actually seen its face. While two large eyes and feet are visible, the rest of this Pokemon's body is covered in blue vines. These vines are constantly growing and swaying around. This Pokemon can use its vines to capture any nearby prey, and their constant movement will help protect this Pokemon from any unwanted attention from predators. During a battle, it's moving vines will help distract its opponent. Even though it uses these vines for so many things, they are quite delicate. They can break off with even the slightest tug. (Bulbapedia)

Question 11

Match this Pokemon to its name

This small bird-type Pokemon is not exactly the best flyer. It has trouble getting itself high in the air, and it cannot fly for long distances either. However, it can move fairly quickly through the air when flapping its wings fast enough. Its most valuable defense mechanism, is its ability to screech. It will use this distinct sound to alert others of its kind when danger is nearby. Should this Pokemon feel in danger or that something is coming too close to its territory, it will call out for its mates and they will attack in a large flock. (Bulbapedia)

Question 12

Which Pokemon is this?

This Pokemon may not be an easy one to find, but it is totally worth the efforts. This Pokemon lays multiple nutritious eggs every single day. It will share these eggs will fellow Pokemon, especially if one is sick or injured. This Pokemon is not a fighter by any means, as it prefers to take care of others. Should a human catch this Pokemon, they should know that their eggs only become more delicious when the Pokemon itself is treated with love and kindness. Another bonus to finding and catching one of these, is the rumor that they actually bring good luck to their trainers. (Bulbapedia)

Question 13

Does anyone know which name is right?

It is important not to stare at the swirl on this Pokemon's belly for too long. Should a human or a fellow Pokemon look at this swirl, they can fall drowsy quite quickly. The swirl is actually this Pokemon's internal organs, which show through its thin skin. This Pokemon is capable of living in water or on land, though it greatly prefers life in a small pond or lake. Should it need to be on land, this Pokemon must continuously be sweating to ensure it keeps its slimy skin. This slick skin allows it to escape predators very efficiently. (Bulbapedia)

Question 14

Which Pokemon is this?

This purple Pokemon is nothing more than a blob of pollution. Its entire body is made up of toxic bacteria. This Pokemon is in fact so toxic, that should it pass over a grassy area, it will render the soil completely barren. Since its body does not have a solid form, it is common for pieces of it to break off during travel. These pieces will likely grow into new Pokemon of the same kind. This Pokemon can often be found in the messiest areas of a town or city. Sewers and old factories would be a great place to check! (Bulbapedia)

Question 15

Pick out the right name

While its body may not look like it, this Pokemon actually lives in the ocean. It can tuck in its entire shell, to help itself move extremely fast through the water. This Pokemon was extinct for a very long time. Scientists believe that if it had not gone extinct so many years ago, it would have likely evolved into a land Pokemon by now. As we can see in the photo, this Pokemon has no arms, but instead two long sharp blades. Make no mistake, this Pokemon will use its blades against anyone who threatens it or its home. (Bulbapedia)

Question 16

Does anyone recognize this Pokemon?

This small Pokemon is very cute, but also very clever. It is fitting that it resembles a fox, since it seems to have the wit of this animal. This Pokemon is known for faking injuries when up against an opponent it does not believe it can defeat. Inside the body of this Pokemon, there is a flame which will never go out. It can use this flame to create wisps of fire, which it will use to help catch its prey. When living in very warm areas, this Pokemon will shoot flames from its mouth, in order to keep its body from overheating. (Bulbapedia)

Question 17

Who knows the right name?

When it comes to swimming Pokemon, this is one of the very best. Its curled tail allows it to swim in any direction, while its face remains forward. This makes it hard for any predators to sneak up on it. This Pokemon can also use its tail to anchor itself if it is to get caught in a current too strong for its body. While this Pokemon is great at avoiding predators, should one get too close, it will be able to shoot ink directly in its face with extreme accuracy. That being said, this Pokemon is not a fighter by nature. (Bulbapedia)

Question 18

Name this Pokemon

Here we have yet another Pokemon which is not often found out in the wild. While they have been seen here and there, they do generally try and steer clear of humans. This Pokemon is born a skilled mimer. As it ages, it develops this skill. Once it has reached full maturity, this Pokemon will actually be able to manipulate the air molecules, and create invisible objects. Should it mime a box, an invisible box will actually be there. While it does not go out looking for fights on its own, should a Pokemon interrupt its show, it will retaliate by slapping it. (Bulbapedia)

Question 19

Match this Pokemon to its name

This Pokemon is heavy in the firepower department. Not only does it have flames coming out of its head, but its body temperature can reach as high as 2,200 °F. This body temp actually makes this Pokemon glow, which will be even more noticeable when in a dark space. When trained correctly, this Pokemon can actually block all forms of electricity based attacks. Due to its need for heat, this Pokemon dislikes being anywhere cold. They can usually be found living near active volcanoes. If its surrounding area is not hot enough, it will set the place ablaze to make itself feel more comfortable. (Bulbapedia)

Question 20

Pick out the right name

This Pokemon is clever enough to live in grassy areas, where predators often mistake it for a regular flower. The flower growing on top of this Pokemon's head, has the largest petals of any known flower in the world. These petals can actually grow so large, that they become difficult for the Pokemon to manage. Even though it may be cumbersome, this Pokemon will use its flower to its full ability. By flapping its petals, this Pokemon can release large amounts of pollen into the air. This Pollen will cause an allergic reaction in nearby humans, but render its smaller Pokemon prey paralyzed. (Bulbapedia)

Question 21

Match this Pokemon to its name

Here we have a Pokemon that only the most experienced trainers should go after. This Pokemon is known for its rage and unstable behaviors. It has three tails, and it will use these tails to whip itself into an even worse mood. Once this Pokemon begins charging, it will not be able to stop or slow down until it hits its target. What makes this Pokemon even more dangerous, is the fact that it travels in large herds. Should we hear a herd of these coming our way, our only hope would be to get out of the way as fast as possible. (Bulbapedia)

Question 22

Select the right answer

This Pokemon is one that is often underestimated. It is not a very skilled swimmer, nor does it offer anything in the way of attack moves. However, should we be patient with it and treat it correctly, its evolved state will be a force to be reckoned with. Trainers will often pass up the chance to catch one of these, simply because they do not think they are worth the efforts. That being said, this Pokemon can be found in just about any body of water. It has a great immune system, which allows it to survive in even polluted waters. (Bulbapedia)

Question 23

Does anyone recognize this Pokemon?

Here we have the first ever man-made Pokemon. Every part of this Pokemon was designed and created in a lab, using the most advanced technology. Since it is made up of mainly computer code, this Pokemon can travel through cyberspace as easily as it can travel across land. Some of its programmed moves would include, its ability to take on the shape of the Pokemon it is fighting, and its ability to change color and camouflage itself into its surroundings. Some of these Pokemon will also have the ability to detach some of its body parts. Anyone know the name? (Bulbapedia)

Question 24

Which Pokemon is this?

Here we have a nocturnal Pokemon. Since the body of this Pokemon is so sensitive, it must burrow into the ground to steer clear of the sun during the day. It will also do this to avoid predators. When planted into the ground, only the leaves on its head can be seen. It is believed that their feet act as roots when planted, making it almost impossible to pull them from the ground. Once its leaves begin absorbing moonlight, this Pokemon will know it is time to walk around. It will travel great distance through the night, leaving its seeds everywhere. (Bulbapedia)

Question 25

Name this Pokemon

This Pokemon greatly resembles a duck. Its body shape is the same, and it has a very similar beak. This Pokemon is known for being very brave. However, it is completely dependant on a leek stalk or a spring onion for survival. It will defend its stalk with its very own life if need be. It can use this stalk for multiple things. It can work as a weapon, it can use it for nesting materials, and should it feel hungry, it can munch on it as an emergency snack. These Pokemon can often be found fighting over the best available leek or onion. (Bulbapedia)

Question 26

Which name is right?

Here we have what may be the most dangerous water-type Pokemon of them all. This Pokemon is known for its uncontrollable rage. Even when caught by a trainer, this pokemon is wicked difficult to tame. Should it enter into rampage mode, nothing on earth will be able to stop it from tearing down everything in its path. Its teeth are said to be strong enough to bite through solid stone, and its scales are made of a material tougher than steel. These scales make it almost impossible for this Pokemon to be injured by an attack. Name this Pokemon! (Bulbapedia)

Question 27

Pick out the right name

If a trainer wishes to battle, this is not the Pokemon to select. This Pokemon is not in control of its own mind or body. Instead, it is under the complete control of the fungi growing out of its back. While this fungi can be removed, it will result in the Pokemon not being able to move. That is how dependant it is on the instructions it gets from its fungi. This Pokemon can be found in dark forests, where moisture is in the air. It will attach itself to a tree, drain its nutrients, then move on to the next one. (Bulbapedia)

Question 28

Which Pokemon is this?

Here we have another Pokemon that would not do a trainer any good if placed in a battle. This Pokemon has no movement at all. Once it evolves, it will become a bigger threat. However, at this stage in its life, it can't do much more than just hang from a tree. In rare cases, when attacked in this stage, this Pokemon has been known to be able to extend a poisonous stinger from its shell. This Pokemon prefers to live in misty forests, where there are plenty of trees to hang from. Can anyone pick out the right name? (Bulbapedia)

Question 29

Name this Pokemon

This Pokemon is a great example of what can come from nurturing and caring for a Pokemon in a pre-evolved state. While this Pokemon's pre-evolved state is timid and shy, once it has evolved into the Pokemon we see here, it becomes fearless and aggressive. While the bone around its head was once removable, once in this state, it can no longer come off. This Pokemon carries around a bone, which it can use as a means of attack or as a boomerang. It has also been known to tap boulders with this bone, as a way to communicate with others of its species. (Bulbapedia)

Question 30

Match this Pokemon to its name

There is no denying that this Pokemon is a fighter. It is the only Pokemon in the world that carries around its young everywhere it goes. For the first three years of its child's life, it will live inside the pouch of its mother, only being let out to play if the area has been deemed fit. Should a predator or human pose a threat to this Pokemon's young, it will stop at nothing until it has taken the culprit down. This Pokemon can be one attack away from losing its life, and still continue fighting until it is sure its baby is safe. (Bulbapedia)

Question 31

Which name is right?

This Pokemon is very clearly a water-type. Its shell is tinted blue, to help this Pokemon camouflage itself in the water. This Pokemon can have up to 80 tentacles total. Usually it will only show about 14 of these tentacles at a time, but while hunting prey, it can extend all of them at once. These tentacles can absorb the water, allowing them to grow even longer. Once this Pokemon has caught its prey in its tentacles, it will then use a poison to paralyze it. Yikes! On the bright side, this Pokemon will slowly lose its tentacles as it ages. (Bulbapedia)

Question 32

Select the correct answer

This Pokemon's greatest asset is no doubt its tongue. Its tongue is roughly double the length of its entire body. Its tongue is completely covered in a foul smelling saliva. Humans have been known to get rashes from touching this saliva. This Pokemon will use its tongue for most things. It will use it for cleaning, for capturing prey and for reading its surroundings. It remembers places and people by their taste. That being said, it is common knowledge that this Pokemon dislikes anything with a sour taste to it. Can anyone here pick out the correct name of this Pokemon? (Bulbapedia)

Question 33

Which Pokemon is this?

For a long time, this Pokemon was believed to be a myth. That is a testament to how well this Pokemon can hide from humans. Normally, this Pokemon will live with others of its kind in deep parts of the ocean. Its body is full of energy, which allows this Pokemon to continuously be growing. It can grow to be as long as 6 feet. Since its size is always increasing, this Pokemon must frequently shed its skin. To do this, it will find a secluded place where it will not be bothered. Usually this is behind a loud waterfall. (Bulbapedia)

Question 34

Name this Pokemon

Since this Pokemon does not have any legs, it can be found mainly in forests, where it hangs from branches by its stem. While in the forest, it will camouflage itself to look like a regular plant. When nearby prey wanders by, it will waste no time in dousing the prey in a toxic powder. Once the prey has been immobilized by the powder, this Pokemon will trap it inside of its mouth, where its internal fluids will break down the creature. It is not uncommon for this Pokemon to slip from branches, and wind up stuck on the floor. (Bulbapedia)

Question 35

Pick out the right answer

This Pokemon may be adorable and pink, but it is very powerful all the same. This Pokemon actually contains the DNA of every other Pokemon in existence. This means that it is capable of learning every form of attack move. This Pokemon can float through the air and make itself invisible whenever it wants. It can also create large force fields, which it uses to protect itself from all forms of attacks. Even though this Pokemon is one of the most powerful, it actually has quite a playful personality. Does anyone here know which Pokemon we are talking about? (Bulbapedia)

Question 36

Does anyone know which Pokemon this is?

There is simply no stopping this Pokemon's natural anger. It is known for its extremely short-temper, and its ability to fight itself to sleep. We can tell when this Pokemon is entering into rampage mode, by its body shaking and its breathing becoming heavy. Once in rampage mode, it will physically fight everything around until it wears itself out. Even once asleep, this anger will remain active in its dreams. This Pokemon lives in groups of its own species, and when one of them becomes angered, the entire colony will follow suit. Try picking out the correct name of this Pokemon. (Bulbapedia)

Question 37

Name this Pokemon

This Pokemon is one of the most loyal ones a trainer could ever have. While they are not commonly found out in the wild, they are heavily sought after. They have always been admired for their beauty and speed. This Pokemon can run up to 6,200 miles in a single day. When running at its maximum speed, it will look as though it is flying through the air. There is a constant flame raging inside of its body, which gives it the energy it needs to travel long distances. It will often stash extra food inside of its bushy mane. (Bulbapedia)

Question 38

Pick out the right name

While this Pokemon can be all kinds of dangerous, it does not often come to the surface. This Pokemon greatly prefers life underground with little to no light. It is capable of burrowing through the ground, and will make large tunnels as it does this. These tunnels are often used afterwards by other Pokemon as a safe hideout. This Pokemon is not only made up of rocks, but it feeds on them as well. It is full capable of rotating any part of its body in a full 360 degree motion. When injured, this Pokemon will become more violent. (Bulbapedia)

Question 39

Which name is right?

This pokemon should only be approached with extreme caution. It is capable of creating alpha waves with its mind, which can cause headaches in all those near enough to be touched by them. These waves will also cause nearby technology to stop working. Should this Pokemon pull out one of its spoons, the power of its waves will only increase. These powers can increase even further, if this Pokemon chooses to close its eyes during the attack. The more battles this Pokemon faces, the more powerful it will become. There is no limit to the amount of power this Pokemon can develop. (Bulbapedia)

Question 40

Pick out the right answer

This Pokemon is quite rare, but can sometimes be found in areas surrounded by large mountains. This Pokemon is known for having a rash temper. Even when out in the wild, this Pokemon will actively go out searching for opponents to fight. The stronger their opponent is, the more excited this Pokemon will become about the battle. We can judge this Pokemon's interest in a battle, by the color of its flame. The more excited this Pokemon becomes, the bluer the flame to be. That being said, once it has won a battle, this Pokemon will become relaxed and mild tempered. (Bulbapedia)

Question 41

Match this Pokemon to its name

This Pokemon operates best when in very cold waters. It is a very talented swimmer, though does not move very well on land. Normally, this Pokemon will live on icebergs. The colder the temperature is, the more active and playful this Pokemon will be. It has very thick skin and fur, so no temperature is too cold for it to live in. This Pokemon prefers to get its rest during day time hours, but will wake in the evening to hunt for prey. This Pokemon can use both its tusks and its horn to burrow through thick chunks of ice. (Bulbapedia)

Question 42

Does anyone recognize this Pokemon?

This Pokemon may be small in size, but its appetite is very large. This Pokemon can be found in forests, munching on leaves twice the size of its body. It will use its above average smelling abilities to pick out its favorite kind of leaves. Its bright yellow color is not only pretty, but it alerts potential predators of its toxicity. This Pokemon has two poisonous stingers, one on its head and one on its tail, and it will not hesitate to use these against anyone who poses a threat. Can anyone pick out the correct name of this Pokemon? (Bulbapedia)

Question 43

Which Pokemon is this?

This Pokemon is just as dangerous to humans as it is to fellow Pokemon. This Pokemon will hide out in very dark caves, until it has spotted a target. Once it has spotted an acceptable target, it will pursue it. It will lukre in the background until it decides to pounce. It will then lick its target with its poisonous tongue, and wait for the poison to work its magic. While this Pokemon is naturally quite mean, it has been known to also have a mischievous side. When not hungry for a meal, this Pokemon will use its time to pull pranks. (Bulbapedia)

Question 44

Name this Pokemon

Here we have a bird-type Pokemon with a rather unique ability. When flapping its wings, it can chill the moisture in the air, causing a snow storm to erupt. This Pokemon usually lives on snowy mountain peaks. It is rumoured that they will appear before lost travelers when they get stuck in icy areas they cannot navigate. While at times it will leave the travelers without help, there are times when it will lead them to safety. This is not a Pokemon that likes to live in groups, or near any other Pokemon for that matter. Name this Pokemon. (Bulbapedia)

Question 45

Pick out the right answer

Here we have a triple-headed Pokemon, which lives underground. Unlike the previously discussed Pokemon with multiple heads, the heads of this Pokemon all think the same thoughts. They cooperate with each other, and only sometimes argue over which head will get to eat first. Since this Pokemon can only survive underground, it will use its three heads to bob up and down to loosen up the soil around it. There is no limit to how deep underground this Pokemon can burrow itself. When burrowing fast enough, this Pokemon can sometimes cause earthquakes in nearby areas. Pick out the right name! (Bulbapedia)

Question 46

Select the right name

This Pokemon is not a born fighter. It feels very strong family connections to all others of its kind, and for this reason it enjoys living in large packs. If separated from its group, this Pokemon will become very lonely. Once this Pokemon becomes a mother, it will use most of its time caring for its young. It will even pre-chew food for its babies. While it does have a small horn on its head, it will prefer to use its claws and teeth if forced into a battle. Can anyone pick out the correct name of this Pokemon? (Bulbapedia)

Question 47

Match this Pokemon to its name

While this Pokemon does have arms and legs, it prefers to get around by rolling. Since it is such a heavy Pokemon, it walks very slowly. Rolling around is by far the fastest way for the Pokemon to move about. This Pokemon enjoys spending its time rolling up and down mountains, chomping on the rocks it finds along the way. When rolling down a mountain at fast speeds, it will only be able to stop by crashing into large boulders. Should a piece of its rock body chip off, it will be able to regenerate over time. Any guesses? (Bulbapedia)

Question 48

Which Pokemon is this?

This Pokemon is very much like a real life rat, though way more powerful. The large front teeth of this Pokemon are always growing. Because of this, the Pokemon will often need to find things to chew on. These teeth are strong enough to bite through steel, so finding appropriate chewing materials can be tough. This Pokemon has been known to chew on the sides of building, sometimes actually causing them to crumble to the ground. Should this Pokemon feel threatened, it will not be hard to tell, since it will quickly stand on its hind legs and let our a screech. (Bulbapedia)

Question 49

Pick out the right answer

Even though the ears and tail of this Pokemon are covered in fur, it is an excellent swimmer. This Pokemon can actually store air within its fur, allowing it to dive even deeper into the water. It is capable of living with others of its kind on land, though they do prefer to live in fresh bodies of water. Often times this Pokemon will stalk its prey from beneath the water, only jumping out to surprise it before capturing it. Its tail is said to be a symbol of good luck. Does anyone here know which Pokemon we are talking about? (Bulbapedia)

Question 50

Who knows which Pokemon this is?

Here is our final question of the day! This Pokemon is unique for a number of different reasons. Its hair is said to be so soft, that once someone starts stroking it, they will be unable to stop. This Pokemon also sheds its fur seasonally. People living in nearby villages, will collect the shedded fur and spin it into a soft yarn. This Pokemon is also able to inflate its body by inhaling. This Pokemon can be found competing against others of its kind, trying to see who can inflate the most. Can anyone pick out the correct name? (Bulbapedia)

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